Our room RECEs are Angie and Neda

Our room ECA is Shaneice

Room 209 offers care before and after school on regular instructional days;
and full day care on PA days and school breaks. 

Children bring their own lunch on PA days and school breaks.  Snacks are provided daily.

​Our regular hours of operation are 7:30am-6:00pm.

Morning drop off is between 7:30am-8:30am.  
Children and staff go outside promptly at 8:35am.
After school pick up is between 4:00pm-6:00pm.

If your child is absent, please call the room at 416-466-8715  ext 228.  

Calls must be made by 3:00PM on school days, and 9:00AM on PA days and holiday breaks.

Children participate in many activities while in daycare.

You can see an overview here "A Day in the Life of Room 209" - coming soon

Room programming and activities are based within the guidelines of emergent curriculum,
in which programming is done based solely on the interest of each child.​

Follow us on Instagram for program activity postings.


​Please check this page regularly for administrative updates.

Welcome to Room 209

Grades 1 & 2

Room 209