Our Nine Program Rooms

We have 9 distinct programs operating during the school year serving children 3-12 years of age. The Board of Directors reserves the right to change the room offerings based on the needs of the Daycare. Summer camp programs are available on a first come, first serve basis to children from  Grades 1-6. Children in Preschool & JK stay in their program rooms from September through the summer.

* The Daycare makes every effort to accommodate children and provide services year after year; however, due to many considerations including legislated ratios, staffing, balance of age groupings, etc., the Daycare may need to change room offerings or steams.

Nursery School - September 2024 spaces available for children born 2021 or early 2022.

The Nursery School program is part-time and runs during the school year from 9:00 to 11:30 AM 5 days a week in Room 105.  This program is designed for 3-year-old children and focuses on socialization and learning play skills. There are maximum 16 children in this program per day.

The Nursery School program does not operate on any Toronto District School Board (TDSB) declared holidays, P.A. Days, March Break or during the summer. Unlike our daycare programs, there is no residency requirement for the Nursery School program.  Nursery School room page can be found here.  Apply below

Children in the Nursery School program are not in the Daycare stream and therefore are given no consideration for admission to the Daycare’s JK B &A program the following year.

Preschool - Program runs September 1 to August 31
Preschool is for children residing in
Jackman School’s English catchment areathat turn 3 years old beforeDecember 31st. Daycare is provided from 7:30 AM - 6 PM in Room 107. We enroll 20 Preschool children. All Preschool children are served a hot lunch, which is provided by a catering service. Nutritious snacks are served twice per day.  The preschool room operates from September 1 – August 31.      Please see the Preschool room web page for more details.

Junior Kindergarten (JK) B & A - Program runs September 1 to August 31
As the TDSB’s Third Party Operator, Jackman Community Daycare provides a Before & After (B & A) program to Junior Kindergarten students. This program is in Room 107A in the Kindergarten Addition and operates from September through August.  On regular school days children bring their own lunch and be cared for by TDSB staff during the lunch period. Nutritious snacks are served after school.  During the school year the B & A hours are 7:30-9 and 3:15-6:00. On PA Days, school breaks & summer, full time care, including lunch and snacks will be provided.

More information can be found on the JK roomweb page.

Senior Kindergarten (SK) B & A - Program runs September - June 30

As the TDSB’s Third Party Operator, Jackman Community Daycare provides a Before & After (B & A) program to

Senior Kindergarten students. This program is in Room 207A and operates from September through June. Summer Camp is available for July and August. On regular school days children bring their own lunch and be cared for by TDSB staff during the lunch hour. Nutritious snacks are served after school. The B & A hours are 7:30-9 and 3:15-6:00 during the school year. On PA Days and school breaks, full time care, including lunch and snacks will be provided.

More information can be found on the SK room web page.

Grade 1 - Grade 6 Before and After School Programs - Programs run September - June 30

The daycare offers before and after school care for children in grades 1-6.  On school days morning care is offered from 7:30am-8:45am and after school from 3:30pm-6:00pm.  Nutritious snacks are served to the children after school.  The daycare offers full time care on PA days and school breaks.   

* Some years rooms from JK to Grade 6 will be split grades to accommodate the needs of the daycare.
The room breakdown below is based on the needs of our 2024-2025 school year.

JK B&A - Room 107A

SK B&A - Room 207A

Grades 1/2– Room 105
Grades 1/2 – Room 209
Grade 3 -      Room 101

Grades 3/4/5 - Room 207

Grades 5/6  - Room 309

*Due to space constraints, students going into Grade 6 may be required to apply to remain in the program by April 1st. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis, based on availability.

Program Rooms