If your child is participating in a school activity or event, and will not be attending daycare, OR needs to leave daycare on their own to meet the teacher, parents/guardians must provide written authorization. Staff cannot sign children out of daycare for a school event on your behalf without prior consent.
The daycare will only sign out children on a parents/guardian behalf for Jackman PS school activities, never for outside organizations.
By completing and submitting the form below, parents/guardians understand that:
- Parents/Guardians MUST notify Jackman Community Daycare educators if the child will be attending a TDSB extracurricular activity.
- Children must check-in with Jackman Community Daycare educators at 3:30 pm, to confirm they are attending TDSB extracurricular activity after school and if they will be returning to Jackman Community Daycare after.
- If the child is not returning to daycare after the extracurricular activity, daycare staff must be informed by 3:30 pm.
- If daycare staff are unaware that the child is attending an extracurricular activity, the Safe Arrival Policy will be followed.
- Once daycare staff have been notified, I understand that my child will then be under the supervision of TDSB staff.
* indicates mandatory field